
Louise offers Telehealth for Colorado residents, electronic distance counseling similar to Zoom or Facetime. This can be done in the comfort of your home or during your lunch break at work. If you are able to meet in person for your first session, this is ideal. But if you live too far away to meet, we can start with Telehealth, too.

To book a Telehealth appointment, select “Contact” at the top of the page, then click “Request appointment.” Select “Telehealth”, “Home Office”, pick your time, and then fill in your contact information. You will then receive a link which will direct you to our “meeting room,” which you can access this link through phone or computer.

As always with technology, poor internet connection happens. If the connection gets bad, we can always transition to a phone call.

** Please note that Telehealth is available for Colorado residents only. If you are out-of-state, contact Louise and she will do her best to direct you to a good local counselor.